Editor’s Note: Kassandra Maldonado, MA in Museum Studies, is the president of the CUNY SPS Museum Studies Club, which re-formed with a new leadership team at the start of the Spring 2025 semester. Follow the club on Instagram.
The Kiosk: Can you give a brief description of your club, its mission, and why you think other students should consider joining?
The Museum Studies Club is perfect for anyone who has an interest in the museum field. We help build relationships with fellow classmates and connect with people who work in the museum field. We collectively share events and programs museums have to offer and we try to meet in person during said events. If you enjoy museums and want to learn more about what they have to offer, this is the club for you.
All are welcome to join!
How did you and your club participate during Club Week? Are there any events coming up soon?
We are currently planning on attending a pre-conference for the Museum Association of New York on Saturday, April 5 in Ithaca, New York.
Why did you decide to join this club?
I decided to join the Museum Studies Club because I knew I needed to start networking and thought this would be a great place to start.
What happens in a typical club meeting?
In a typical club meeting we share any new information we have come across regarding museums, including upcoming events or online lectures. We also open the floor to club members to share how their semester is going in the Museum Studies program. Even if a member is not part of the program we allow for open conversation about the semester. We also plan for events and listen to any ideas anyone may have.